Hengsheng Color Printing WATCH THE PROMO
Corporate Culture
Collaboration · Brainstorming · Working Together · Coexistence
Corporate Mission
Inheritance and development of Chinese printing industry,
Be the best printing craftsman in the world!
Core Concepts
Integrity-based, quality first,
Persevere and persevere!
Hang Seng Target
Continue to grow and build the Hang Seng brand!
Service Purpose
Inheritance and development of Chinese printing industry,
Create higher profits!
Corporate Mission
Energy saving and emission reduction, helping the poor,
Use corporate actions to promote sustainable social development!
We are not an ordinary printing company.
As a provincial designated printing trademark unit,
We will, as always, combine the development of the enterprise with the contribution to the society,
Create new value for society.
In the future, Hang Seng will continue to focus on customer needs,
Continuously research and innovate, and bring advanced packaging technology and design concepts to customers!
COPPYRIGHT © 1993-2024 Guangdong Hengsheng Color Printing Co., Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 粤ICP备11025119号